Thierry 70 years Yvetot France
Thierry 70 years Yvetot France
Thierry 70 years Yvetot France
Thierry 70 years Yvetot France
Thierry 70 years Yvetot France
Thierry, 70 years
Thierry 70 years Yvetot France
Thierry 70 years Yvetot France
Thierry 70 years Yvetot France
Thierry 70 years Yvetot France
Thierry 70 years Yvetot France
Online more than 1 month ago
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 sensible à la dimension spirituelle , au respect de la nature . J'aime la marche , lecture , concerts ... J'habite une maison où animaux et végétaux , arbres nous entourent et nous accompagnent ... Ma fille aînée tétraplégique vit à la maison et illumine les coeurs par sa gentillesse ... Peut-être une âme trouvant écho à ces grandes lignes se manifestera ? 

I wish to meet a woman between 40 and 65 years

Spoken languages fr Bilingual
en Medium
Age 70 years
Country France
State / Province Upper normandy
City Yvetot
My height (in cm) 186 cm
My weight (in kg) 86 kg
My eye color Brown
My hair color Brown
My occupation Retired (executive and intermediate profession)
Qualifications Middle School
My religion
My hobbies Concerts, cinema
My personality traits Sensitive, serious, romantic, honest, nice, quiet
My favorite kind of music Classique
I usually read Poem, novel, newspapers , magazines
My favorite food Russian, french
My favorite sports: Other
Marital status Widower
Children 4

Albums (0)

Dating Man, Thierry, 70 years, France, 186cm and 86kg

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