Ben 47 years Bordeaux France
Ben 47 years Bordeaux France
Ben 47 years Bordeaux France
Ben 47 years Bordeaux France
Ben 47 years Bordeaux France
Ben, 47 years
Ben 47 years Bordeaux France
Ben 47 years Bordeaux France
Ben 47 years Bordeaux France
Ben 47 years Bordeaux France
Ben 47 years Bordeaux France
Online more than 1 month ago
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 Véritablement passionné par l'Afrique (je pense que je devais être Africain dans une vie antérieure!! ;-) je souhaiterai idéalement trouver l'Amour, c'est ce que je recherche ! Un amour En lien avec l'Afrique, qui a une place importante dans ma vie. Un Amour qui serait pur, sincère, honnête, dans le respect, la tolérance et la complicité. Créer et partager des beaux moments, nous soutenir et nous protéger dans les moments plus difficiles... J'aime énormément rigoler tout en étant une personne sérieuse et fiable. Construire très sérieusement, mais sans se prendre trop au sérieux! Je vis et pense d'une manière la plus positive possible car la vie est trop courte! Je suis tendre et sensible, et j'adooooore les câlins !! Mais attention, j'ai quand même mon petit caractère hein !! J'ai tout simplement envie d'aimer et d'être aimé, en toute simplicité . Je suis Papa du plus beau métis de l'Univers! Il a 11 ans Allez j'arrête de me complimenter, car j'ai aussi des défauts, je te rassure !!! Au plaisir de te lire et de faire connaissance si cette description peux te correspondre! Prends soin de toi! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absolutely passionnated keen about Africa (i Think i was African in an anterior life!), i'd ideally like to find real love, that is what i am researching! A love linked with Africa, who as an important place in my life! A pure, sincere, honest love, based on respect, tolerance, complicity. Create and share precious moments, support and protect together each other, in the best as the worst moments! I love laughing, but always staying a serious and reliable man. I want to built seriously, but not boring! I am living and thinking in a positive way, as life is short! I am tender and sensitive, and i just looooove cuddles! But be carrefull, i still have my little temperament! I want and need to love, and feel being loved, in very simplicity... I am The Dad of the most beautifull half African Son of the Universe, he's 11. I Stop now to compliment myself, because i also have defaults, let me reassure you! Will be a pleasure to read you, and to learn knowing you better, if this description matches with you. In any case, Take care of yourself! Ben 

I wish to meet a woman between 25 and 45 years

Spoken languages fr Bilingual
de Medium
it Beginner
es Beginner
en Fluent
Age 47 years
Country France
State / Province Aquitaine
City Bordeaux
My height (in cm) 184 cm
My weight (in kg) 90 kg
My eye color Blue
My hair color Brown
My occupation Self-employed
Qualifications Bachelor Degree
My religion
My hobbies Travels, theater, chilling with friends, walking in parks, concerts, cinema, going to cafes, night clubs
My personality traits Sociable, sensitive, serious, romantic, responsible, optimistic, honest, nice, communicative, quiet
My favorite kind of music Reggae
I usually read
My favorite food Japanese, italian, french, chinese
My favorite sports: Other, squash, swim
Marital status Single
Children 1

Albums (0)

Dating Man, Ben, 47 years, France, 184cm and 90kg

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