Michel 30 years Seriuex France
Michel 30 years Seriuex France
Michel 30 years Seriuex France
Michel, 30 years
Michel 30 years Seriuex France
Michel 30 years Seriuex France
Michel 30 years Seriuex France
Online 4 hour(s) ago
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 je rechrche du seiruex et durable 

I wish to meet a woman between 18 and 99 years

Spoken languages fr Fluent
en Beginner
Age 30 years
Country France
State / Province Provence cote d'azur
City Seriuex
My height (in cm) 170 cm
My weight (in kg) 99 kg
My eye color
My hair color Dark
My occupation Inactive (not retired)
My religion
My hobbies Travels, cinema
My personality traits Sociable, sensitive, serious, romantic, responsible, honest, nice, quiet
My favorite kind of music
I usually read
My favorite food
My favorite sports:
Marital status
Children No children

Albums (0)

Dating Man, Michel, 30 years, France, 170cm and 99kg

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